02/ imos CAM iX
At a glance
Integrated in iX Organizer and iX CAD
Production lists and NC data at the push of a button directly from iX CAD
Direct connection of CNC machines and production lines of the most common brands
Automated tool assignment
Unique part identification by barcode labels
Generation of approach and retract movements of the tool as well as automatic individual positioning of the parts
Provision of nesting data to third-party systems
Toolpath animation of the CNC programs in iX CAD
Connection to manufacturer systems, including woodWOP, B-Solid and Maestro
Connection of common cutting optimization software, e.g. Schnitt Profi(t), ARDIS, HPO, OptiPlanning, Ottimo
Allocation of part machining to several machines
Management of tools, technologies and machining strategies
Special machining strategies for solid wood machining and edge banding on the CNC machine
Calculation of machining times
imos CAM iX translates the design from imos CAD iX into the required manufacturing files for your production.
The imos approach is simple: deliver ready-to-go CNC programs that contain all the correct tooling and manufacturing information.
Connection to CNC systems
The CNC files are made specifically for the job you are currently working on, avoiding the time-consuming editing of macro’s or writing programs manually. imos CAM iX generates files for beam saws, edgebanders, CNC nesting machines and CNC pod & rail machines
The modern machine application is an essential precondition for the secure and economical implementation of more flexible design methods. imos directly transforms the planning and design data into machine readable formats. With imos CAM iX all necessary manufacturing documents and CNC programs are automatically derived from the 3D design data and material information. All common machine manufacturers are supported in this system. The most modern technology is implemented in the CAM iX modules whether graphic programming of 5 axis machines or special functions for solid wood processing.

Directly connected to CNC machining centers
Economical CNC connections of different machine types and WOP systems from the single system to the workshop unit and up to fully automatic industry system: imos automatically creates all CNC programs for the complete order with all required parameters like tool selection, revs/rpm, feed, startup strategy, first and second working. CNC data and drilling patterns are automatically compatible, cutting lists are transferred to the cut optimization software. Manufacturing- and press lines are supported as well as edge gluing, nesting or 5 axis.

Allocating the process on several machines
The more-machine-connection enables the control of different CNC machining centers. In doing so, various production strategies can be displayed and the allocation of the parts to the individual CNC machining centers according to the part characteristics can be defined. Then each working is filtered on the respective machine.
Multi Workflow allows the use of several CNC machines in one workflow, with different aggregate placement and postprocessors if necessary. In addition, the function "Process all matching workflows" is available. Previously, each part was assigned to a single matching workflow in the automatic CAM run. By activating this option, data from all matching workflows is written for each part. A downstream process can then use the data to optimize the utilization of all machines, e.g. in the event of a machine failure.
The sandwich enables the generation of CNC programs for combined components (e.g. side panels with rows of holes) that can be clamped simultaneously on one machine. The programs of the individual components as well as the combined sandwich program with machining from above and below are created. The function is integrated as a call in the workflow. This makes it possible to define precisely which components are to be combined.
With the add-on for edge gluing, the gluing processes of different machine manufacturers can be defined and controlled. While the process for HOMAG machines is defined in iX CAM, predefined macros are controlled for Biesse and SCM. For IMA machines, the IMA Quicktool is controlled and supplied with parameters.
The openly designed configuration interface allows the output and definition of the programs to be designed independently and adapted to the needs of production. Tool tips explain the individual functions and provide useful examples for use. An input wizard helps to enter formulas and variables syntactically correctly.
With the add-on for edge gluing, the gluing processes of different machine manufacturers can be defined and controlled. While the process for HOMAG machines is defined in iX CAM, predefined macros are controlled for Biesse and SCM. For IMA machines, the IMA Quicktool is controlled and supplied with parameters.

Automatic generation of csv data for import to your beam saw can include part data for label printers and bar code scanners

Automatic generation of csv data for import to your beam saw can include part data for label printers and bar code scanners
Connection to cut optimization
A freely configurable interface is applied for the connection to the cut optimization. In this process, sizing dimensions and material descriptions, part descriptions, item numbers or part graphics can be transferred. The part is clearly marked on the saw and automatically transferred to the following CNC machines.
A highly configurable interface is used for the connection to your cutting optimisation software. In this process, sizing dimensions and material descriptions, part descriptions, item numbers or part graphics can be transferred. The part can be clearly identified with the use of part labels.

Clear workpiece identification
The core element of the CNC manufacturing is the appropriate workpiece identification via barcode. An unambiguous part number can be generated directly in imos on the basis of user defined rules to ensure that the part can be clearly allocated in the production